Grow with eXpanby’s Pipedrive Expertise

Unlock Revenue Potential, Secure Customer Loyalty, and Optimise Engagement with Our Successful Strategies.

Don’t Just Adopt Pipedrive, Excel at It

Fast-Track Your CRM Adoption: Quick Set-Up, Easy Integrations, and Immediate Result

1. Get a free Consultation

Unlock the potential of Pipedrive for your business. Schedule a no-obligation chat with eXpanby’s expert and embark on your journey to seamless sales growth.

2. Set up your pipeline

Design your sales funnel stages or choose from pre-existing templates. Easily input your deals or seamlessly import from an existing spreadsheet or CRM.

3. Track live progress

Receive instant notifications and prompts to ensure deals progress smoothly. Sales predictions refresh every time you advance a deal through the funnel.

4. Automate your team growth

Analyze insights and harness AI to pinpoint sales opportunities. Streamline your workflow by automating mundane tasks and administrative duties.

Sales Pipeline Visualisation

View your complete sales journey in one look. Easily move your deals by dragging them to the desired stage. As they progress, just drop them into their new position for real-time updates.

While spreadsheets and email tools provide a foundation in sales, consistent sales growth requires more sophisticated software solutions.

Tailored Sales Pipeline

Configure your pipeline to precisely mirror your sales journey. Add stages that reflect each step of your process. Incorporate custom fields to capture the specific details you need.

Sales Pipeline Visualisation

CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software aids in overseeing your team’s assignments and sales initiatives.

Opt for a CRM equipped with features tailored for teamwork to enhance project execution, improve customer service by your team, and foster collaboration throughout tasks.

Analytics and Overview Panels


Sales reports in CRM provide crucial data for business growth and profitability


Pipedrive’s Insights offers an interactive dashboard to identify successful trends, enhancing workflows and marketing strategies


User-friendly interface ensures quick mastery, turning you into a data expert swiftly

Action Alerts

Set reminders for every sales-related task. Keep a vigilant eye on all your deals. Ensure every follow-up is timely attended to.

In the sales world, every moment counts. Your daily planning directly impacts your profits and efficiency. Utilizing an activity calendar ensures your week is organized, preventing the overwhelm of overbooked days. It provides an at-a-glance view of your schedule, making it easy to integrate new tasks seamlessly.

“Adopting a modern sales CRM revolutionised our approach, making lead management a breeze and boosting team productivity. The real-time insights have been pivotal, guiding our sales strategies effectively. It’s a transformation we wish we’d embraced sooner.”

“The shift to an advanced sales CRM has been a revelation. Not only have we streamlined our processes, but we’ve also unlocked actionable insights that drive results. Truly, it’s taken our sales operations to the next level.”

Increase Your Sales with eXpanby Today

The sales performance analytics have given us invaluable insights into areas where we can optimize our processes.

Janis Balodis

Strategic Advisor

Hey, my name is Janis, a powerhouse in strategic leadership with a track record that speaks volumes.

I’m for crafting and executing forward-thinking commercial strategies that bolster revenue growth and unearth novel business avenues. With a keen eye on the market pulse, I’ve spearheaded the alignment of sales, business development, and customer success initiatives.

Let’s have a chat!


Contact phone number: +371 27 762 620